Blogger Recognition Award

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Hey, fellow readers!

Thank you, Ishita (@Bookmyopia) for tagging me in this! Everyone check out her blog, I adore her blog!

The rules:

  • Write a post to show your award
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two advice to new bloggers
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to

Why did I start this blog?

I always wanted to start a blog, but I was always scared to do so. It was until I read ‘The Queen Of All That Dies.’

That it made me want to start a blog and to use Goodreads. But, it was until I read Ruthless People, and I had a ton of emotions. My friends don’t read or care as much as I do so I had nowhere to express my feelings and emotions and then before you know it, ( was made, and I’m so happy to have started this journey.


For all the new bloggers:

  • It might get frustrating in the beginning because your first thoughts might be ‘I want followers’ or ‘why isn’t anyone interested in my blog?’ or just anything along those lines but the best way to get people to recognize your blog is to interact with other bloggers. Bloggers are the friendliest people I know and you’ll soon learn that as well.
  • Goodreads is a great place to meet other book bloggers or just book lovers such as yourself!

I’m Tagging:

(If you already did it or just don’t feel like it, you don’t have to)

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